District-Wide Safety Plan
Project Save
(Safe Schools Against Violence in Education)
Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17
Revised: November 2023
Section I: General Considerations and Planning Guidelines
Section II: Risk Reduction/Prevention and Intervention
- Prevention and intervention Strategies:
- Program Initiatives
- Training, Drills, and Exercises
- Implementation of School Security
- Vital Educational Agency Information
- Early Detection of Potentially Violent Behaviors
- Hazard Identification
- Notification and Activation (Internal and External Communication)
- Situational Responses
- Multi-Hazard Responses
- Responses to Acts of Violence: Implied or Direct Threats
- Acts of Violence
- Response Protocols
- Arrangements for Obtaining Emergency Assistance from Local Government
- Procedures for Obtaining Advice and Assistance from Local Government
- District Resources Available for Use in an Emergency
- Procedures to Coordinate the Use of School District Resources and Manpower during Emergencies
Protective Action Options
- Appendix 1: Listing of all school buildings covered by the district-wide school safety plan with addresses of buildings, and contact names and telephone numbers for building staff.
- Appendix 4: Policies and procedures for working with the Media
- Appendix 5: NYS Police Bomb Threat Telephone Card
- Appendix 6: SED Bomb Threat/Serious Incident Report Form
- Appendix 7: Lieutenant Governor’s Brochure “Protect Your Child from Violence, a Resource for Parents”
Emergencies and violent incidents in school districts are critical issues that must be addressed in an expeditious and effective manner. Districts are required to develop a district-wide school safety plan designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the coordination of the district with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies. The district-wide plan is responsive to the needs of all schools within the district and is consistent with the more detailed emergency response plans required at the school building level. Districts stand at risk from a wide variety of acts of violence, natural, and manmade disasters. To address these threats, the State of New York has enacted the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (Save) law. Project Save is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses prevention, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in each school district and its schools.
The Broadalbin-Perth Central School District, supports the SAVE Legislation and intends to facilitate the planning process. The Superintendent of Schools encourages and advocates on-going district-wide cooperation and support of Project SAVE.
Section I: General Considerations and Planning Guidelines
The Broadalbin-Perth Central District-wide School Safety Plan was developed pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17. At the direction of the Broadalbin-Perth Central School District Board of Education, the Superintendent of Broadalbin-Perth Central School District appointed a District-wide School Safety Team and charged it with the development and maintenance of the District-wide School Safety Plan.
Identification of School Teams
The Broadalbin-Perth Central School District has created a District-wide School Safety Team consisting of, but not limited to, representatives of the School Board, students, teachers, administrators, parent organizations, school safety personnel, and other school personnel.
District-Wide School Safety Team (Meets the requirement for SAVE regs.)
- Stephen Tomlinson, Superintendent of Schools
- Marco Zumbolo, Assistant Superintendent for Business/Operations
- Mark Brooks, Jr./Sr. High School Principal
- Adam Barnhart, Senior High School Assistant Principal
- Erica Darling, Junior High School Assistant Principal
- Brad Strait, Director of Special Programs
- Dan Casey, Elementary School Principal
- Charla Simonson, Parent/School Counselor
- Mike Carney, Chief Emergency Officer
- Terry Lafountain, Director of Curriculum/Instruction/Grants
- Wayne Bell, Safety Coordinator
- Shawn Cotter, Teacher
- Sheriff Richard Giardino, Local EMS – Fulton County Sheriff Dept.
- Undersheriff Dan Izzo, Local EMS – Fulton County Sheriff Dept.
- Kyle Harris, B-P SRO
- Nicole Buckley, B-P SRO
- Sue Petoff, Custodial
- Keith Buchanan, BPCSD Board of Education
Concept of Operations
- The District-wide School Safety Plan shall be directly linked to the individual Building-level Emergency Response Plans for each school building. Protocols reflected in the District-wide School Safety Plan will guide the development and implementation of individual Building-level Emergency Response Plans.
- In the event of an emergency or violent incident, the initial response to all emergencies at an individual school will be by the School Emergency Response Team.
- Upon the activation of the School Emergency Response Team, the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee will be notified and, where appropriate, local emergency officials will also be notified.
- County and State resources through existing protocols may supplement emergency Response Actions including Post-incident response.
Plan review and public comment
- This plan shall be reviewed and maintained by the District-wide School Safety Team and reviewed on an annual basis on or before July 1 of each year.
- Pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17 (e)(3), this plan will be made available for public comment 30 days prior to its adoption. The district-wide and building-level plans may be adopted by the School Board only after at least one public hearing that provides for the participation of school personnel, parents, students and any other interested parties. The plan must be formally adopted by the Board of Education.
- While linked to the District-wide School Safety Plan, Building-level Emergency Response Plans shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under Article 6 of the Public Officers Law or any other provision of law, in accordance with Education Law Section 2801-a.
- Full copies of the District-wide School Safety Plan and any amendments will be submitted to the New York State Education Department within 30 days of adoption. Building-level Emergency Response Plans will be supplied to both local and State Police within 30 days of adoption.
Section II: Risk Reduction/Prevention and Intervention
Prevention and intervention Strategies:
Program Initiatives
- All new and existing staff were given two-hour violence prevention and intervention training.
- There are mentor teachers for students at all grade levels. Teachers reserve specific times during the day for meetings with students.
- A 24-hour hotline for emergencies and concerns will be established for all students and staff.
- Non-Conflict violent conflict resolution
- Peer mediation programs
Training, Drills and Exercises
Three levels of annual multi-hazard school training will be considered in this plan:
- responder training for members of the Incident Response and Post-Incident Response teams will be given on an annual basis during the school year;
- general staff awareness training conducted during Superintendent’s Conference Day each year by in-house safety staff (2-hour violence prevention and intervention training); and (staff comes up with topics for the conference days)
- student awareness training of emergency response procedures conducted by building staff. Walkthroughs of Lockdown, sheltering and evacuation conducted once before December and once before the end of the year.
Each year the District-Wide School Safety Team and/or Building-Level Teams will consider appropriate training for each of the groups listed above.
Procedures for the review and conduct of drills and other exercises to test components of the emergency response plan, including the use of tabletop exercises, in coordination with local and county emergency responders and preparedness officials.
- Each year the District-Wide School Safety Team, in consultation with Building Principals and local response agencies, will conduct emergency response drills at both the district and building levels. These drills will include at least tabletop exercises and will include full-scale exercises with the participation of local responders.
- Evaluations of each drill/exercise will be presented to the District-Wide School Safety Team in a timely manner following each drill/exercise.
Implementation of School Security
Safety Officers/Hall Monitors
- School resource officers that are in the school buildings on a daily basis, and local PD drive around property daily and come into the buildings at least twice a week.
- All staff is required to enter the halls during pre-school hours, class change time, and after school. Teaching Assistants available at lunch time in all buildings for extra coverage in Cafeteria and surrounding hallways.
Security Devices
- Surveillance cameras placed on buses and in all buildings
- Photo ID cards issued to staff and badges to visitors (RAPTOR System)
- Video cameras at main entrances along with an entrance buzzer
- Sign in Sign Out Logs in each building
- School Resource Officer located at each building
Vital Educational Agency Information
Educational Organization | Number of Staff | Number of Students | Key Contacts & Home/Business Phone |
B-P Jr./Sr. High School | 117 | 980 | Mark Brooks (518) 954-2600 |
B-P Elementary School | 90 | 1,020 | Dan Casey/Kerri Barker (518) 954-2752/2703 |
No other education agencies are located within our district boundaries. Any daycares are private and not certified.
Early Detection of Potentially Violent Behaviors
Strategies for improving communication among students and between students and staff and reporting of potentially violent incidents.
The district recognized that communication is a vital key in the prevention and intervention of violence in schools. As such, the district continues to develop and investigate various strategies regarding violence prevention and intervention. To that end, the district maintains or is exploring programs in the following areas.
- We have a mentor teacher with available office hours for consultation for each grade level, along with peer leaders at each grade level.
- We also have a 24-hour hotline to report possible violent situations.
- We require all staff to attend a violence prevention and intervention course, which addresses early signs of potentially violent students.
- We send out newsletters and pamphlets to parents/guardians with articles addressing bullying, conflict resolution and other issues. We include important contact numbers to address all concerns.
Hazard Identification
Hazard Sites
- The process for identifying the sites,
- Information provided by district staff, residents and the County Emergency Management Coordinator,
- The location of potential sites, and
- The potential internal or external hazards or emergency situations identified
Location of Potential Sites | Internal or External Hazard |
Heating System/Fuel oil leak (All Buildings) | Internal |
Rte 29 (Jr./Sr. High School, Pine St.) | External |
Rte 30 and Co Hwy 107 (Elementary School) | External |
Industries (All Buildings) | Internal |
School Bus | External |
Athletic Fields, Playgrounds and Play Areas | External/Internal |
Field Trips | External |
Section III: Response
Notification and Activation (Internal and External Communication)
Policies and procedures for contacting appropriate law enforcement officials in the event of a violent incident:
- The person in charge (Incident Commander) will decide if the level of the incident classifies it as a “violent incident” (consistent with the definition of such an incident as defined in the district’s Code of Conduct). If appropriate, the Incident Commander will call 911 and/or involve the School Resource Officers (SROs).
- In a crisis situation involving a violent incident, school staff will call 911 and notify the Incident Commander.
- If necessary district two-way radios are connected to the police department.
Procedures to contact parents, guardians or persons in parental relation to the students in the event of a violent incident or an early dismissal
- Parents/Guardians will be contacted via telephone by staff at the building level using the student/parent telephone directory. If parents are not available we will call next contact name on each child’s record. District will house students until parents or guardians notified.
- In some cases, the public/parents will also be notified via media outlets.
A system for informing all educational agencies within the school district:
- The same process to contact parents is also used to notify the other educational agencies located within our district.
Situational Responses
Multi-Hazard Responses
Responses to Acts of Violence: Implied or Direct Threats
This issue is addressed on pages 9-15 of the Code of Conduct. The district utilizes desk reference cards in each room for important directional information when a response action is needed.
Acts of Violence
This issue is addressed on pages 9-15 of the Code of Conduct. The district utilizes desk reference cards in each room for important directional information when a response action is needed.
Response Protocols
We have incorporated the new homeland security guidelines into our plans. It addresses the color code systems as well as establishes definitions for lockout, lockdown, sheltering and evacuation. Our responses were amended based on the new guidelines. These guidelines are confidential and we respectfully will not submit them at this time.
Bomb Threats
Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the Broadalbin-Perth Central School. We also utilize state police guidelines as outlined on page 16 and 17 of this document.
Hostage Taking
Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the Broadalbin-Perth Central School.
Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the Broadalbin-Perth Central School.
Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the Broadalbin-Perth Central School.
Arrangements for Obtaining Emergency Assistance from Local Government Officials
- The person in charge (Incident Commander) will decide if the level of the incident classifies it as a “violent incident” (consistent with the definition of such an incident as defined in the district’s Code of Conduct). If appropriate, the Incident Commander will call 911, involve the School Resource Officers, or will call/drive to the PD or FD.
- In a crisis situation involving a violent incident, school staff should call 911 and notify the Incident Commander. We can call the PD/FD direct as well.
Procedures for Obtaining Advice and Assistance from Local Government Officials
- The person in charge (Incident Commander) will decide if the level of the incident warrants obtaining emergency assistance. If appropriate, the Incident Commander will call 911 or directly call the Montgomery County Emergency Management Office.
- In a crisis situation, school staff should call 911 and notify the Incident Commander. Local agencies base response on “closest response agency” concept to ensure that response to the incident is as timely as possible.
District Resources Available for Use in an Emergency
Details of Resources are found in the Building-Level Plans
Type of Resources | Resources Available |
Building Resources | Both buildings. Full kitchens and large open spaces. |
Transportation Resources | 30 buses, (4) 4x wheel drive vehicles, 1 trailer, 1 large loader 2 2x wheel drive tractors, 2 John Deere Gator |
Personnel Resources | Snow removal team (3-4 individuals), 2 bus mechanics, 2 maintenance mechanic |
Other Resources: | Local Emergency Management Coordinator, 2 emergency generators, 1 portable welder, chain saw, assorted tools. |
Agencies authorized to Request Use of Resources:
Agency | Representative(s) Name |
County Emergency Management Office | Johnstown Office |
F.C. Sheriff’s Office | Johnstown Office |
NYS Police | Mayfield Office |
Fire Depts. | Fire Chiefs |
Identification of the staff members assigned to provide assistance during emergencies.
Name | Function | Contact |
Stephen Tomlinson | Incident Commander | C: 518-848-0920 |
Marco Zumbolo | Finance | C: 518-928-3572 |
Mark Brooks | Operations | C: 518-469-1077 |
Dan Casey | Operations | C: 518-848-9764 |
Kerri Barker | Operations | C: 518-848-6450 |
Mike Carney | ICS Back-up/Safety | C: 518-848-7870 |
Terry LaFountain | Operations | C: 518-848-4928 |
Mike Carney | Transportation | C: 518-848-7870 |
Wayne Bell | Logistics | C: 518-848-6328 |
Kyle Harris | SRO | C: 838-249-6015 |
Nicole Buckley | SRO | C: 518-921-8250 |
Procedures to Coordinate Use of School District resources and manpower during an emergency are as follows:
If district or local agency resources are needed, the superintendent of schools or designee will contact the individuals responsible for the resources via telephone or two-way radio to request their services.
Protective Action Options
School cancellation
Superintendent of Schools (Stephen Tomlinson) or designee will announce the closing of school. Communication will be sent to all officials needed to proceed with the cancellation.
Early dismissal
Preliminary Procedures
- An annual request is made for parents of K-12 students to notify the school district where their child should go in the event that they are not home during school hours. Drivers maintain a list for their information in the event of an emergency.
- Drivers will be alerted and substitutes contacted by the Transportation Director as to the possibility of an early or emergency dismissal.
Dismissal of Bus Students
- The main office will notify the Transportation Director of the decision to take pupils home.
- The Transportation Director will notify drivers and required substitutes.
- Bus pupils will remain in classrooms or other designated areas until buses arrive on site.
- Personnel will assume regular duties for bus dismissal.
- The Transportation Director will remain at his station until all buses have completed their runs and returned. The Transportation Director will notify the main office when all runs have been completed. (Estimated length of the longest run is approximately one hour and ten minutes).
Dismissal of Walking Students
- Walking students will be dismissed via an announcement from the main office.
Evacuation (before, during and after school hours, including security during evacuation and evacuation routes)
Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the Broadalbin-Perth Central School. Refer to Card
Sheltering sites (internal and external)
Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the Broadalbin-Perth Central School. Refer to Card.
Section IV: Recovery
District Support for Buildings
All the district’s manpower and resources will be available to one of our sites that has endured and emergency. Mental health counseling, building security and restoration will be items of primary focus. Response and recovery will be a district goal.
Besides building security and restoration, the strategies will also include damage assessment, relocation and continuation of the educational process. A post-incident response critique, the notes from the incident command team and lessons learned will be assessed. Plans to mitigate the likelihood of occurrence or impact, if an incident does occur again, will be reviewed. If possible, efforts will be made to improve district facilities resulting in them being more resistant to suffering similar or worse damage.
Disaster Mental Health Services
The district understands how an emergency can have a major effect on the well being of students, staff and community at large. The district will coordinate resources with County Mental Health Services and the Post-incident Crisis Response Team.
Appendix 1: Listing of all school buildings covered by the district-wide school safety plan with addresses of buildings, and contact names and telephone numbers for building staff.
Building | Address | Main Contact Name | Phone |
Broadalbin-Perth Central School |
20 Pine St. Broadalbin, NY 12025 |
Stephen Tomlinson Marco Zumbolo |
518-954-2500 |
Broadalbin-Perth Jr./Sr. High School |
100 Bridge St. Ext. Broadalbin, NY 12025 |
Mark Brooks | 518-954-2600 |
Broadalbin-Perth Elementary School |
1870 Co Hwy 107 Amsterdam, NY 121010 |
Dan Casey |
518-954-2750 |
Appendix 4: Policies and procedures for working with the Media
Principal/Administrator Information
- Note who is assigned to be the Public Information Officer (PIO) for your district/building. Refer all media inquiries to that person.
- Be familiar with the media guidelines for this event, including on-site policies for the media and locations where media representatives may be present. Media guidelines should be obtained from the PIO.
- Media interaction may be handled by: Stephen Tomlinson or Marco Zumbolo
- A school/district PIO
- A law enforcement/emergency response agency PIO; or
- Jointly, by both PIOs listed above
Public Information Officer Information
- Incident Commander and PIO functions may be handled by two different persons.
- The school district PIO may work under, over or in cooperation with law enforcement and emergency response agency PIOs.
- The PIO should set forth clear media guidelines and communicate these guidelines to the media in writing.
- The PIO should use a press release template for both a news conference script and/or a written press release.
- The PIO should receive information and forms from the Incident Commander and other key function personnel on a regular basis throughout the emergency event.
Staff Information
- Staff should not talk to the media during an emergency event, unless given permission by the PIO. Safety and security issues may be compromised.
- Likewise, Staff should not allow students to be interviewed during an emergency event unless given permission by the PIO.
Student/Parent/Guardian Information
- Students, Parents and Guardians should be mindful of the situation during an emergency event when approached by the media for an interview. Safety and security issues may be compromised.
- Students should not communicate with the media via cellular phone or other type of communication when on campus during any emergency situation.