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Title I Parent Engagement Policy

Title I – Required Notifications

Requirement What By Whom When Accomplished
Notify parents of their right to know the qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals Newsletter/letter to parents or website Director of Curriculum Annually, at the beginning of the school year Week of September 12
Notify parents of their right to know if their child’s teacher is not highly qualified Letter to parents Building Leader 4 weeks subsequent to being taught by a non-highly qualified teacher  
Progress review of the school’s efforts to meet AYP – School Improvement Plan Newsletter Letter to parents Meeting Building Leader Annually at the beginning of the school year  
Provide annual report cards containing information on assessment, accountability and teacher quality Newsletter Letter to parents Meeting Director of Curriculum
Building Leader
Provide parents with information on their child’s academic progress Report card Building Leader As soon as practical  
Provide frequent reports on student progress AIS Progress Reports
Phone calls
Teacher conferences
Building Leader
Frequently during the school year  
Distribute written parental involvement policies District Policy / School Plan Meeting
Parent Handbook
Director of Curriculum
Building Leader
Annual meeting – November 7th PTO meeting
Beginning of year
Distribute School-Parent Compact Parent Handbook
Building Leader
Beginning of the year
P-T Conferences
Distribute school-wide plan for Title I campus Meeting Director of Curriculum
Building Leader
Provide information to parents of homeless students on their rights Newsletter or Meeting Director of Special Programs When student registers or family becomes homeless  
Provide information about Safe and Drug Free School and Community status, programs and activities supporting SDFSC and instances of violent crime in the school ? LEA LEA: Status – annually
Persistently dangerous – 14 days prior to start of year & upon
Programs – Ongoing;
Violent Crime – within 14 days of incident
Provide parents with information about schools identified for School Improvement, Provide information about parent’s rights to Supplemental Educational Services Letter to parents LEA As mandated N/A
Disseminate information regarding the District’s written complaint procedures for resolving issues of violation(s) of a Federal statute or regulation that applies to Title I, Part A programs. Meeting
Website,br/>Parent Handbook
Director of Curriculum
Building Leader
Continual post
Beginning of year
Posted Sept

Title I – Required Consultation

Requirement What By Whom When Accomplished
Written Parental Involvement policies (Jointly developed) Meeting LEA/Building
Evaluation of Parental Involvement Policy (Are parents provided multiple opportunities to
provide input?)
Annual survey  
Written School-Parent Compact Meeting Director of Curriculum
School Leader
Annually (Survey or Evaluation)  
Parent –Teacher Conference Required meeting at elementary (keep log) Building Leader
Annually early in the year  
School wide plan and Program Plans shared with Title I parents Meeting Building Leader Annually  
Consolidated Application Meeting Director of Curriculum Annually when the Application is being completed  
Reservation of Funds Meeting Director of Curriculum Annual survey as required  
School Improvement Plan (SIP) if needed Meeting Building Leader Within 3 months  
LEA Improvement Plan Meeting Director of Curriculum Annual survey or evaluation  
Parent Advisory Council/Shared Decision-making Committee Meeting Building Leader Annually – Survey or Evaluation  
Title 1 – Part A Meeting Required meeting Director of Curriculum with School Leader Annually  

Title I – Parent & Family Engagement Policy – Additional Requirements

Requirement What How By Whom When Accountability/Evaluation
Build school and parent capacity for strong parental involvement Advertise opportunities for involvement in programs such as PTO, SDM, JA, room parent, suggestion box        
Coordinate & integrate parent involvement with other district programs Transition to new program/school Parent tour/information nights Building Leader(s)
Parent Advocate,br/>Social Workers,br/>School Counselors
Grade 3
Grade 6
Provide assistance to parents in understanding topics such as content standards, achievement standards, State/local assessments, how to monitor progress, how to work with educators to improve achievement Examples:
Parent curriculum guide
Weekly newsletters
Secondary syllabus
Parent Resource Cart
Texts to Borrow SST/Media Spclist On-going  
Provide materials and training help parents work with their children to improve achievement and foster parental involvement Examples:
Literacy training
Use of technology
1000 Book Club
Take home folders
Take home bags
Educate all staff members on the value of parental involvement Education for staff
Education for parents
Opportunities to volunteer and participate in child’s class; observation of classroom activities          
Reasonable access to staff Opportunities for parents to interact with teaching staff Parent Teacher Conference
E-mail provided