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Parent Engagement Plan

Significant learning is more likely to occur when a positive and cooperative partnership exists between the school and home. More specifically, a positive partnership often yields higher academic achievement, reduced absenteeism, improved character and behavior and a feeling of confidence toward success. We strive to create a positive partnership between home and school. The Intermediate School has adopted the Broadalbin-Perth Central School District’s Parent Engagement Policy and has aligned our school level Parent Engagement Plan accordingly.

Title I Information

Our annual Title I meeting will be held at 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 4 as part of the Parent Teacher Organization meeting. Please join us for a discussion of the following topics: how we implement the Title I program at the Intermediate School, the Title I Right to Know letter(s), and parent involvement opportunities throughout the school year.

The Home School Compact

The Home-School Compact is an important document that illustrates the shared responsibility for student achievement between the school, parents and students. The compact will be sent home to parents at the beginning of the year. Parents should read and sign the document and return it to school. A copy of the compact will be available throughout the school year on the district’s website. The compacts may be used at Parent/Teacher conferences to reference shared responsibilities.

Access to the Parent Engagement Plan and School-Home Compact

The Parent Engagement Plan and the School-Home Compact will be distributed to students at the beginning of the school year. The documents will also be available for view on the district’s website. Parents will be given opportunity to provide feedback on the Parent Engagement Plan at the PTO meeting to be held at 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 4 in The Learning Community Media Center.  

Parents will also be given the opportunity via a parent survey to provide input on how staff can effectively communicate and work with parents. Results of this survey will be shared with school staff and training will be provided accordingly at teacher professional development meetings.

Parent Partnerships

Learning opportunities for parents will be provided throughout the school year via Parent University. Details on programs will be sent home with students and posted on the district website. The Intermediate School offers several opportunities for parent engagement, including but not limited to: Shared Decision-Making Committee, Wellness Day, Community Connections, Slice and a Story presentations, Amazing Math Race, and classroom volunteers. Please contact your child’s teacher or the building leader to learn more about these or other opportunities.

What Parents Should Know About NYS Standards and Assessments

Information on grade-level standards and content expectations will be shared on the district website, during fall open houses, via parent handouts and at parent-teacher conferences. Additional opportunities are scheduled based on parent and teacher requests. Please continue to read newsletters and check PTO agendas for upcoming workshops/events.

Parent Teacher Association Meetings

PTA meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in the media center of The Learning Community. Child care is available upon request. Building principals use this forum to provide updates to the academic calendar and programs. 

Title I Director

Please contact Teresa LaFountain, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Grants, at (518) 954-2621 or via e-mail ( with questions, comments or concerns about the BPCSD Parent Engagement Policy, the school Parent Engagement Policy or any issues of violation(s) of a Federal statute or regulation that applies to Title I, Part A programs.